The three important areas MiiM will revolutionise are Education, Medical and Digital. There are over seven hundred million dyslexics in the world, rising numbers in those with ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome and autism.
Children with behavioural issues can be assisted in their educational development, by enabling the teacher to be understood. Our research told us that MiiM was not a teaching scheme but could give massive advantage as a teaching aid. As a teaching aid it would enable the teacher or classroom assistant to communicate with the pupils that were having difficulty understanding a subject. If they had the MiiM App it would enable them to set up groups within the subjects required, as well as the ability to use pictrons in written form in the classroom.
We intend to make all our digital apps ‘white label’, which would give the opportunity for local educational authorities and schools to personalise any MiiM product under licence. We are currently in discussions with the ‘Dyslexia Association’ in the UK and finalising the details of a focus group, which will enable us to have a greater understanding as to how the MiiM language can help students with Dyslexia and other learning difficulties.
The medical application of the language has several strands, from communication to diagnosis. Like the educational sector local health boards would be able to personalise the app to suit their purpose and enable clinicians to diagnose some patients by helping to narrow where the medical issues are. A stroke victim for example would be able to communicate with the clinician and pinpoint where their pain is, irrespective of language for example if they are abroad.
MiiM can be used throughout recovery of stroke patients and used as a means of everyday communication. MiiM could also be used for general signage not only in hospitals and doctors ‘surgeries, but also in all major transport locations and business signage. Patients with neurological issues, parkinsons, dementia and Alzheimer’s patients would have another means of communicating as their condition deteriorates.
Digital Communication
We have produced and released a new internet based game which will enable users to learn the language in a fun way. ‘GuessMiiM’ ( is game that our Founder Timm Harriss created over ten years ago, and ironically is similar to ‘Wordle’, but using ‘Pictrons’ rather than words. ‘GuessMiiM’ allows anyone to play irrespective of learning deficit, age or language spoken and unlike Wordle which would be very difficult to be played if you are neurodivergent. We have a working prototype of the messaging App, which along with the game proves concept and shows how easy it is to use the MiiM language.
QR Code Accessibility
‘OK’ person is now a QR code, which will be the way the MiiM language will be accessed in any format. Whether it’s a sign, description, food allergy warning on a label or simple instruction, the OK person will show the messages to those who need to see it giving access to those previously unable to do so.